Lompoc (805) 736-3486

Solvang (805) 688-1862

Santa Barbara (805)965-4915

Orthodontics at Any Age
Orthodontic treatment is for anyone who desires a beautiful smile....no matter your age. Orthodontics has made great advances over the years and will work well with your current lifestyle. Today's technology makes adults wearing braces feel more confident about how they look. Braces are much smaller, less noticeable and more comfortable than they used to be.  Now there are many options including:
·    Metal brackets
·    Ceramic brackets (as pictured in photo)
·    Invisalign
·    Incognito or Lingual Braces (placed on the back of your teeth)
A complimentary consultation with Dr. Harper will determine if  you can benefit from orthodontic treatment. The condition of your teeth, gums and supporting bone will need to be examined and will determine the potential for improving your smile.

Family Plan

More and more, adults are turning to orthodontics to improve the look of their smile that has bothered them all of their lives. If your child is currently in treatment, consider improving your smile too. Parents who enter into treatment with their child often serve as good role models for their children. Also, a Family Discount may apply. Ask about the Family Discount at your consultation.